Submission ProcedureThe scientific program of PMAA16 consists of plenary speakers, participant-organized minisyposia and contributed talks. Submit Minisymposium Proposal (by April 1st)A minisymposium consists of four (or eight) talks with a common technical theme. Minisymposium organizers are responsible for securing the participation of their speakers and collecting and forwarding initial speaker and talk title information, upon which minisymposium selection will be based. Once minisymposia are approved, speakers will be invited to use the web-based automated submission procedure as other presenters to enter their finalized titles, abstracts, author and affiliation data, and speaker designation data (in the case of multiply-authored papers). A minisymposium consists of four 25-minute presentations, with an additional five minutes for discussion after each presentation. Prospective minisymposium organizers should submit a short proposal for the minisymposium by email to pmaa16@inria.fr (Deadline for minisymposium proposal: April 1, 2016 ) These will be reviewed by the scientific committee. The number of minisymposia may be limited to retain an acceptable level of parallelism in the conference sessions. Minisymposia proposals should be e-mailed to pmaa16@inria.fr by April 1, 2016 to receive fullest consideration. Selections will be announced within a week after this deadline. Proposals consist of:
Proposals should be in uncompressed plaintext, pdf, or doc format. Minisymposia are allowed two or four hours each. This means four or eight 30-minute talks. Once the minisymposium proposal will be accepted, the proposed speakers will be asked to submit their titles, abstract (600 words or less), author and affiliation data, and speaker designation data (in the case of multiply-authored papers) by following the procedure below (Submit Minisymposium Talks) by May 1st. Submit Minisymposium Talks (by May 1st)Speakers of accepted minisymposium must submit their titles, abstract (600 words or less), author and affiliation data, and speaker designation data (in the case of multiply-authored papers) by following the procedure: submit your abstract . The association of the talk with the requested minisymposium must be done in step 1 by substituting "contributed talk" with the corresponding minisymposium in the list proposed under the "Type" field. The deadline is May 1st, 2016. If an earlier notification is required for visa purposes for participants from countries with restricted access to France, please send a request to pmaa16@inria.fr and special attention will be given.
Submit Contributed Talks (by April 1st)Contributed talks are 30-minute presentations. Speakers are asked to submit their titles, abstract (600 words or less), author and affiliation data, and speaker designation data (in the case of multiply-authored papers) by following the procedure: The deadline for fullest consideration is March 18, 2016. Submitters will be notified of acceptance no later than March 25 , 2016. If an earlier notification is required for visa purposes for participants from countries with restricted access to France, please send a request to pmaa16@inria.fr and special attention will be given.