MS - Efficient computation of inner eigenvalues of large sparse matrices
Room TD 5
Achim Basermann & Gerhard Wellein
› Efficient subspace iteration with Chebyshev-type filtering - Bruno Lang, University of Wuppertal
10:20-10:50 (30min)
› Parallel methods for computing interior eigenvalues in linear and nonlinear eigenvalue problems in SLEPc - Jose E. Roman, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia
10:50-11:20 (30min)
› Filtered thick restart Lanczos algorithm and the EVSL package - Yousef Saad, University of Minnesota
11:20-11:50 (30min)
› Block Krylov-type complex moment-based nonlinear eigensolver with hierarchical parallelism - Akira Imakura, University of Tsukuba
11:50-12:20 (30min)
› High Performance Parallel Sparse Tucker Decompositions - Oguz Kaya, École normale supérieure de Lyon
10:20-10:50 (30min)
› An Exploration of Optimization Algorithms for High Performance Tensor Completion - George Karypis, Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of Minnesota
10:50-11:20 (30min)
› An Empirical Study of Sparse BLAS on Emerging Heterogeneous Processors - Weifeng Liu, University of Copenhagen
11:20-11:50 (30min)
› Making effective sparse matrix--vector multiplication both portable and usable - Albert-Jan Yzelman, Huawei Technologies France
11:50-12:20 (30min)
› Exploring Vectorization Possibilities on the Intel Xeon Phi for Solving Tridiagonal Systems - Ioannis Venetis, University of Patras [Patras]
13:20-13:40 (20min)
› Streamwise numbering for Gauss-Seidel and bidiagonal preconditioners in convection dominated flows - Paula Córdoba, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
13:40-14:00 (20min)
› SpMV Algorithm for High Bandwidth Memory Based Application Specific Hardware Accelerator - Fazle Sadi, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Carnegie Mellon University
14:00-14:20 (20min)